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Monday, March 22, 2010

My Trip to UKSW, Menyedihkan... tapi Menyenangkan !!! ^^

Well, berhubung akan ada OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) semua anak-anak OSN diberangkatkan ke UKSW (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana) buat dibimbing ama dosen-dosen sono, katanya si UKSW oke punya... Kita 25 orang cing, 5 orang setiap mapel...

Dengan rasa mualess semales-malesnya... Aku berangkat dengan membawa sebongkah koper super raksasa kyak macam TKI gitu. Satu mobil bareng brother Dani, sister Rikha (aka Rahma, nama panggung ) and Shinta.

Woohoo ! Here we are ! Sampenya disono... Tempatnya OKEE banget !!! Cool deh, pohonnya tinggi-tinggi... lebat banget dah, berasa kayak di hutan... Tapi ditata rapi banget... Really Cool !!!

Hal yang paling ku takutkan tiba, Dosen !!! Waaa , horror banget dah kayaknya. Neranginnya cepet banget tu pak Dosen... mana aku baru beginner belajar Astronomi (aku anak Astronomi ceritanya), cuma paham dikit-dikit deh.

Beneran deh ini hal paling mboseni !!! 10 Jam belajar Astronomi !!! Tiap menit selalu ku lirik jam di pojok kiri bawah layar komputer, lama banget! sampe terkantuk-kantuk... SAMPE MEREM BENERAN... tapi aku mencoba tetap sadar, ini udah dibayar... Sekolahan udah ngeluarin 20 Juta buat acara macam nie...!

Ga enaknya pas lagi bimbingan ama dosen, kalo mau sholat Zuhur harus keluar kampus. Ke masjid Al-Atiiq kalo ga salah namanya. Tapi ya lumayan lah bisa bernapas sejenak di luar... abis itu baru lunch bareng-bareng.
Oke, jam Lima !!! \(^o^)/ Pulang !!!
Pulanglah kita semua ke sebuah penginapan... Naik angkot yang disewa, anehnya di sini
angkot tu pake Body Kit lho ! Keren keren bentuknya... Jalannya nanjak banget dah buat ke penginapan. Oke sampailah kami, tempat penginapannya tu not bad, no at all. I love it !
Aku sekamar nie ama brother
Dani, ternyata orangnya asik... selama ini ga pernah kenal deket ama die... Dani, orangnya tu supel, friendly, religious, SMART of course , and generous (you have to pay me for this, Dan LOL). Sampe penginapan dia tu belajar ... ga kaya aku, malah chatting lewat mxit Ahahahaha, abis gimana... 10 Jam uda lebih dari cukup, kelebihan malahan... ampe mau muntah dah.
Butuh hiburan donk, tapi percuma mxitan malah bikin tambah bete.

Sudahlah mari kita lanjutkan cerita, di kampus tu emang orang-orangnya kristen (ya iya lah, namanya aja Universitas Kristen ) tapi anehnya, di sini tu ada yang aneh... Chinese ama Eastern Indonesia (orang Indonesia bagian timur ) gabung jadi satu, Nah lo. Kontras banget kan? Baik budaya ama warna kulit, piss ah. Tapi ya emang bagus donk, dari latar belakang berbeda bisa bersatu. Patut ditiru tuh...

Di penginapan tu anak-anak laen pada rajin-rajin banget, mereka belajar bareng... Aku merasa sangat berdosa karena nggak belajar... Di sini emang isinya anak-anak pinter semua, jadi ya agak laen kalo aku rasa-rasain. Aku kalo ngomong harus menyesuaikan... biasanya kan agak agak gila, sekarang jaim dikit lah. Kalo bercanda aja disini ada unsur sains-nya. Bercanda tentang kalor, mutasi organisme, gerak semu matahari, atmosfer bumi. Bener-bener komunitas anak pinter, disini aku merasa paling bodoh... Aku malu...

Ahahahahaha begitulah hari-hariku berlalu disono. Emang terlalu lebhay... tapi emang begitulah adanya menurut sudut pandangku...

Oke, thanks ya udah sempetin baca postingan kali ini yang ga penting banget
Makasih udah mampir.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Well after a heavy topics, now lets talking about something entertaining...
Ya !!! Are you a Twilight lover? If so, it is a very good news for you. The new Twilight Saga is going to release !!! The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

What is the story of this season? Well let me tell you the synopsis.

Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Edward and Jacob — knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life.

So if you were Bella, which one you will choose?
Edward the Vampire,
or Jacob the Werewolf?

Really curious? Let's see what will happen on the movie at 30 June 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

America is the Devil

Surprised with the title above? or it is an ordinary thing? Of course all of us know that America is the controller of the world. WORLD !!! As far as we know America declared wars in many states. Now America is trying to destroy Russia. But that's not the point of my posting. Here is the point...

America has made a very dangerous weapon to against Russia !! What is it? It is called HAARP or High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program. HAARP is located in Alaska. Why does this weapon so dangerous? Listen guys,this weapon can control the weather and tectonical layers over the world. This weapon is ecological weapon that can control the weather by send super energy to the ionosphere layer, provoke very big energy reaction at atmosphere, this phenomenon can cause drought, snowstrom, hurricane, tsunami, and another disasters.

Conspiracy theory follower believe that Haiti earthquake occured because of that weapon. Russian Navy also reported that Haiti earthquake is caused that the test of HAARP by American's army. Really really terrible ! It is just the test of HAARP and caused a very fantastic earthquake and cause so many victims in Haiti.

Based on Russian, America's next target is Iran. America plans to destroy Iran and its government by make an erthquake on Iran's land. So EVIL !!!

And how about Indonesian tsunami in 2004? Once again, the conspiracy theory follower said that America did it to divert people from Irak war topic. What an evil policy it was !!!

Maybe America dare to destroy a country just for a little problem or impade its will.

Well, nobody knows what America's mind. Is America try to take over the world? Become the most strong state? or even be the master of earth?

Why don't you live in peace, huh ??

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Indonesia Left Behind

Well we know Indonesia as a really potential state with a very wide area of the state. We have everything that we need to fulfill our necessary. So what is the matter?

There are some factors that caused Indonesia become a poor country.

First, the government can't manage our country nature potential, There are always strange party who gives us their hands for the management of nature exploitation. So, they have to have a lot of profit here. We are totally cheated here. As example PT.Free Port Indonesia, it can freely exploites our nature potential ie copper and gold ! Oh My Lord ! It can get so much profit from us, but only paid a very low tax and license fee of the mine in Papua, and how can the government let it? Horrible !

Second reason is the government system, well it is public secret that our country has a dirty government. Money talks, always there is bribe in every condition. I dont know why, how can they dare to do it to their own nation. They were trusted by people, and now they make the people suffer. Disappointing !

Third reason is our people mindset itself. Our people mindset is as consumer. That's why other countries import their product here. They take profit as many as they can. Indonesian people always think that imported goods are cool, fancy, luxury, etc. So there is no chance for domestic product, and of course it reduce Indonesia income. Even beggar has a mobile phone, he besides his necessary just for a mobile phone. That's Indonesian...

Now, we are as young Indonesian generation have to fix our country to get better. Study hard and we should be an honest ruler next day. Study hard so we can produce a fantastic product for our country, even exported to another country so we can help out our national income.

Let's do it !!! Ganbatte minnasan !!! Cheers !

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My First Blog is here !!!

Woohoo, this is it ! My Blog... I'm so glad to make a blog. So interesting for me. As I was told by my teacher actually. But I'm very very very (Look, I put three very here. LOL) interested ! What is my blog content? Let's see what will be here !

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Trip to UKSW, Menyedihkan... tapi Menyenangkan !!! ^^

Well, berhubung akan ada OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) semua anak-anak OSN diberangkatkan ke UKSW (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana) buat dibimbing ama dosen-dosen sono, katanya si UKSW oke punya... Kita 25 orang cing, 5 orang setiap mapel...

Dengan rasa mualess semales-malesnya... Aku berangkat dengan membawa sebongkah koper super raksasa kyak macam TKI gitu. Satu mobil bareng brother Dani, sister Rikha (aka Rahma, nama panggung ) and Shinta.

Woohoo ! Here we are ! Sampenya disono... Tempatnya OKEE banget !!! Cool deh, pohonnya tinggi-tinggi... lebat banget dah, berasa kayak di hutan... Tapi ditata rapi banget... Really Cool !!!

Hal yang paling ku takutkan tiba, Dosen !!! Waaa , horror banget dah kayaknya. Neranginnya cepet banget tu pak Dosen... mana aku baru beginner belajar Astronomi (aku anak Astronomi ceritanya), cuma paham dikit-dikit deh.

Beneran deh ini hal paling mboseni !!! 10 Jam belajar Astronomi !!! Tiap menit selalu ku lirik jam di pojok kiri bawah layar komputer, lama banget! sampe terkantuk-kantuk... SAMPE MEREM BENERAN... tapi aku mencoba tetap sadar, ini udah dibayar... Sekolahan udah ngeluarin 20 Juta buat acara macam nie...!

Ga enaknya pas lagi bimbingan ama dosen, kalo mau sholat Zuhur harus keluar kampus. Ke masjid Al-Atiiq kalo ga salah namanya. Tapi ya lumayan lah bisa bernapas sejenak di luar... abis itu baru lunch bareng-bareng.
Oke, jam Lima !!! \(^o^)/ Pulang !!!
Pulanglah kita semua ke sebuah penginapan... Naik angkot yang disewa, anehnya di sini
angkot tu pake Body Kit lho ! Keren keren bentuknya... Jalannya nanjak banget dah buat ke penginapan. Oke sampailah kami, tempat penginapannya tu not bad, no at all. I love it !
Aku sekamar nie ama brother
Dani, ternyata orangnya asik... selama ini ga pernah kenal deket ama die... Dani, orangnya tu supel, friendly, religious, SMART of course , and generous (you have to pay me for this, Dan LOL). Sampe penginapan dia tu belajar ... ga kaya aku, malah chatting lewat mxit Ahahahaha, abis gimana... 10 Jam uda lebih dari cukup, kelebihan malahan... ampe mau muntah dah.
Butuh hiburan donk, tapi percuma mxitan malah bikin tambah bete.

Sudahlah mari kita lanjutkan cerita, di kampus tu emang orang-orangnya kristen (ya iya lah, namanya aja Universitas Kristen ) tapi anehnya, di sini tu ada yang aneh... Chinese ama Eastern Indonesia (orang Indonesia bagian timur ) gabung jadi satu, Nah lo. Kontras banget kan? Baik budaya ama warna kulit, piss ah. Tapi ya emang bagus donk, dari latar belakang berbeda bisa bersatu. Patut ditiru tuh...

Di penginapan tu anak-anak laen pada rajin-rajin banget, mereka belajar bareng... Aku merasa sangat berdosa karena nggak belajar... Di sini emang isinya anak-anak pinter semua, jadi ya agak laen kalo aku rasa-rasain. Aku kalo ngomong harus menyesuaikan... biasanya kan agak agak gila, sekarang jaim dikit lah. Kalo bercanda aja disini ada unsur sains-nya. Bercanda tentang kalor, mutasi organisme, gerak semu matahari, atmosfer bumi. Bener-bener komunitas anak pinter, disini aku merasa paling bodoh... Aku malu...

Ahahahahaha begitulah hari-hariku berlalu disono. Emang terlalu lebhay... tapi emang begitulah adanya menurut sudut pandangku...

Oke, thanks ya udah sempetin baca postingan kali ini yang ga penting banget
Makasih udah mampir.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Well after a heavy topics, now lets talking about something entertaining...
Ya !!! Are you a Twilight lover? If so, it is a very good news for you. The new Twilight Saga is going to release !!! The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

What is the story of this season? Well let me tell you the synopsis.

Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Edward and Jacob — knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life.

So if you were Bella, which one you will choose?
Edward the Vampire,
or Jacob the Werewolf?

Really curious? Let's see what will happen on the movie at 30 June 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

America is the Devil

Surprised with the title above? or it is an ordinary thing? Of course all of us know that America is the controller of the world. WORLD !!! As far as we know America declared wars in many states. Now America is trying to destroy Russia. But that's not the point of my posting. Here is the point...

America has made a very dangerous weapon to against Russia !! What is it? It is called HAARP or High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program. HAARP is located in Alaska. Why does this weapon so dangerous? Listen guys,this weapon can control the weather and tectonical layers over the world. This weapon is ecological weapon that can control the weather by send super energy to the ionosphere layer, provoke very big energy reaction at atmosphere, this phenomenon can cause drought, snowstrom, hurricane, tsunami, and another disasters.

Conspiracy theory follower believe that Haiti earthquake occured because of that weapon. Russian Navy also reported that Haiti earthquake is caused that the test of HAARP by American's army. Really really terrible ! It is just the test of HAARP and caused a very fantastic earthquake and cause so many victims in Haiti.

Based on Russian, America's next target is Iran. America plans to destroy Iran and its government by make an erthquake on Iran's land. So EVIL !!!

And how about Indonesian tsunami in 2004? Once again, the conspiracy theory follower said that America did it to divert people from Irak war topic. What an evil policy it was !!!

Maybe America dare to destroy a country just for a little problem or impade its will.

Well, nobody knows what America's mind. Is America try to take over the world? Become the most strong state? or even be the master of earth?

Why don't you live in peace, huh ??

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Indonesia Left Behind

Well we know Indonesia as a really potential state with a very wide area of the state. We have everything that we need to fulfill our necessary. So what is the matter?

There are some factors that caused Indonesia become a poor country.

First, the government can't manage our country nature potential, There are always strange party who gives us their hands for the management of nature exploitation. So, they have to have a lot of profit here. We are totally cheated here. As example PT.Free Port Indonesia, it can freely exploites our nature potential ie copper and gold ! Oh My Lord ! It can get so much profit from us, but only paid a very low tax and license fee of the mine in Papua, and how can the government let it? Horrible !

Second reason is the government system, well it is public secret that our country has a dirty government. Money talks, always there is bribe in every condition. I dont know why, how can they dare to do it to their own nation. They were trusted by people, and now they make the people suffer. Disappointing !

Third reason is our people mindset itself. Our people mindset is as consumer. That's why other countries import their product here. They take profit as many as they can. Indonesian people always think that imported goods are cool, fancy, luxury, etc. So there is no chance for domestic product, and of course it reduce Indonesia income. Even beggar has a mobile phone, he besides his necessary just for a mobile phone. That's Indonesian...

Now, we are as young Indonesian generation have to fix our country to get better. Study hard and we should be an honest ruler next day. Study hard so we can produce a fantastic product for our country, even exported to another country so we can help out our national income.

Let's do it !!! Ganbatte minnasan !!! Cheers !

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My First Blog is here !!!

Woohoo, this is it ! My Blog... I'm so glad to make a blog. So interesting for me. As I was told by my teacher actually. But I'm very very very (Look, I put three very here. LOL) interested ! What is my blog content? Let's see what will be here !